New Years Goals.

New Years Goals.

That time of year again! The end of the year! I guess world didn’t end, right? — and here I am making another list (I do love lists though) of things I want to “get done” in the next 365 days. This is actually a fun exercise for me. Change can be energizing, and something to look forward to whether it be travel or a new endeavor is important for just everyday motivation. Writing these goals down is even more powerful — in pen and ink for that matter. And now posting them on the Internet!

I’ve been keeping little journals tucked away in my giant purse making notes and ideas — writing down anything I need to do or something to write about later. It’s come in handy, even just to pick up something at the store.

So this year I have some big goals. The biggest one is more of a dream that needs to come true (not like marriage to Ryan Gosling) – but I’ve wanted to move for a few years now, but have stayed put — mostly for work, and love. Money really isn’t a huge issue, but could be if I choose to take another job or live in an expensive part of the country, which of course I am. Dream big.

So even if its December 31st and I am packing my bags it will be a success.

Although, in the midst of all that I would like to publish a small e-book of recipes I have made over the course of a few years blogging. Also, spend less time social networking online—and more working towards writing here and elsewhere. Also, reading about 4 books.

I didn’t put a whole lot of fitness/diet goals on here – because honestly that all falls into place when I am happy. I will binge eat chocolate all night long when I don’t want to talk about my negative feelings. But if my social life and group is affirming of the inside of me, the rest just doesn’t become an issue. I was healthiest when I was happiest. The two go hand in hand so in turn I am focusing on my relationships with others to help get me into a place outside my comfort zone where I can truly grow this year – relocation or not.

What do your New Years Goals look like? Share in the comments!

P.S. I’m obsessed with this video: Lights covers Drake…so many feels ❤